Multiple times over the years, we have received a frantic call about a lost dog. As dog lovers ourselves, we empathize and are glad to be able to lend a hand.
When these calls come in, we have been able to quickly gather Sweepers to the location and span out in all directions. Sweepers have walked through the woods and across creeks in all directions searching. With our online system, we are able to quickly communicate updates via text, email, and Job messaging. This makes the proecess safer and easier to communicate when there are pertinent updates. Getting as many eyes out as quickly as possible is of the utmost importance when searching for lost animals, and Sweepers are always more than happy to assist.
While we hope this never happens to you, we can be an option to help you look if you or a friend are ever in need. Thankfully, finding lost dogs is not the only way we can help your animals. We also often walk and take care of family pet as needed.
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