Sweeps Support Center
Job Poster Central

How are Sweepers awarded my job?

When you post a job, Sweepers in your area are immediately notified and interested Sweepers compete for it quickly.

We handpick the Sweepers that are the best fit for your job, based on their skills, reviews, experience, and availability.

Sweeps is discriminating. Only motivated, reliable people are selected based on our four-step onboarding process.  Over 700 Sweepers have worked jobs since 2010, (out of more than 2,500 applicants).

How you can help:

  • Your reviews matter. Reviews strongly impact who will be awarded future jobs, and each review benefits the overall trust in the community.  
  • Be descriptive in your job posts. That helps us choose the right Sweeper. You may also request a particular Sweeper.  
  • Over 90% of Sweepers earn recommendations or award worthy status in their reviews, and this has led to high rankings and awards in external sites like Angie's List and Yelp.

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